amy alison dombroski

2009 Blogs

I woke up on Sunday morning and decided to pack up Red Rex and drive to California. I had never really done a real road trip before, and especially not by myself. But it ended up going quite smoothly, despite a couple chips in the windshield. My menagerie of music helped, and I had some good thinking time and interesting conversations with myself.
The first leg of the trip was about 7 hours to Salt Lake, where I stayed with friends from Burke - Jim and Missy. Wicked good to see them!

I crawled out of bed the next morning at 6am. I knew there was a 6pm, but I didn't know the am one existed. Long haul of about 11 hours to Mountain View, CA, where my gracious hosts Katheryn and James live. Their house has basically become a guest house for cyclists of all shapes and sizes.

As soon as I entered Cali, I was embarrassed by my Colorado painted car.
After a wash and wax, Red Rex and I weren't sticking out so much like a sore thumb.

Copyright © 2012 Amy Dombroski. All Rights Reserved.